Monday, August 13, 2007


Times are hard, but I see the silver lining, I've had a great week, despite a few bumps and sticky situations along the way, Im happy, truly becoming happy, moving on.......finally, completely, I feel Im ready now, to move on and not look back, it sucks that it takes so much, its hard to try not to care. A chapter of my life has been completed, its on to the next. Who knows who will be there with me to fill this chapter, I don't know, really I do at least know who wont be there. There's a few that I question and others there is NO question. I know who I love and who loves me, and that's all I need to know. Im happy where I am, happy with who I am, and most of all happy with who I am becoming. I know me regardless of what others tell me. They clearly don't know me if they can say the things they say and act the way they act. It's time for actiopn, time to not let those who can affect me have so much affect. I will always love those whom I've loved, but there's a time we "outgrow the roles we play" as one of my favorite musicians would say, there's a time to move on a time to grow up and move forward, the time is now, I knowI'm ready.

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