Friday, July 27, 2007

Dont let the assholes get you down!

Why stay? Who cares? Does it really matter? It doesnt feel like the people in general really have that much empathy or sympathy or basic caring at all for those around them, it's about "what's best for me" and that's crap. Maybe I need to adopt more to this philosophy, but why change myself for those who dont give a DAMN what happens to anyone but themselves. I'm sick and tired of it. I know who my true friends are, I know who really cares, and I know who I care about and screw everyone else.......... I knwo it's a bit harsh, but I'm so sick and tired. I really do care about my friends I truly do. People mean more to me than anything else in this freakin world. A wise man once told me, why surround yourself around those things that make you unhappy. Another wise man told me to get all the crap out of my life, if something or some one isnt treating me right then screw them. It's the best philosophy, and my dad, yet another wise man always used to say "DONT LET THE ASSHOLES GET YOU DOWN" Easier said than done dad. But really that's the approach you must take in life. Don't let the things you can't control affect you. It's hard, but you can't let the negativity in life engulf you or you will perish. It's funny, I've been more productive than ever today at work, I've done my normal workload before lunch. Ha! Im sad, down and somewhat depressed today, but Im productive, ever heard the term "throw yourself into your work" well that's me today, I wish I could depart on my journey today. I'm done, done trying, done caring. It's time to leave this life behind and start anew. I can't leave now, I wish I could, but I can't. Too many obligations, I used to look at them as security, now they are the little annoyances I deal with constantly. I hate everything around me right now. I do nothing that brings me joy. Last nightI spent the night with the coolest girl I know, sure, I have to clean up her poop, but it's ok. That's prob the happiest I've been in, pretty sad huh. Well, I hope my journey comes sooner than later, until then back to my mundane life.............................

1 comment:

ebben flow said...

I can and will say the typical things here. It will pass. You'll get through it. Someday, it will be so far behind you you'll barely remember. You'll make new friends or reaffirm bonds with those in the murkiness right now.

So much of what you're saying, because it's not too specific (good thing btw), could apply to anybody. So many of the observations you've made are true to us all.

It really is a fight against the assholes. The worst thing is, we're all the assholes- though we differ in severity.

People do care about you even when it doesn't feel that way. They may even tell themselves they don't to overcome their own personal issues or because they're at a bad point and are being negative. This happens as much as it sucks but you can't give up hope.

Your trip sounds awesome. And probably the best thing you CAN do for you. I admire you for it. Many of us won't wish we could do something so cool and have such a free state of mind. You're blessed in that. don't lose that through all this shit. Obviously you haven't.

You have a lot to be thankful for even when all hope seems lost. You'll gain that ground slowly but surely in your own mind so don't get down on yourself that you can't be so positive right now. Life works out and if that God guy's around, you'll be just fine. You're a great person. Don't lose sight. Never stop trying to be better. it's your greatest asset.